The spinning process in the textile industry

Published on 12/04/2023

Uno de los primeros pasos para fabricar telas de excelente calidad en Jeantex, es convertir las fibras textiles en hilo. El hilo es una hebra larga y delgada de fibras entrelazadas que se utiliza para fabricar tejidos, prendas y otros artículos textiles.

Hilandería Telares Maracay siglo XX
Hilandería de Jeantex

The spinning process includes:

  • Preparation: The fibers are cleaned, mixed and made into a uniform ribbon called a web.
  • Twisting: The web is then rolled into a cylinder and twisted. Twisting is what joins the fibers and creates the thread.
  • Winding: At this stage, the yarn is wound on cones or spools for storage and later use.

The spinning process can be done in different ways, depending on the type of fiber used. Natural fibers, such as cotton, wool, and silk, are spun in a similar way. Synthetic fibers, such as polyester and nylon, can be spun continuously or discontinuously.

The quality of the yarn is the basis of all fabrics and garments, and determines the quality of the final product.

The spinning process offers a number of benefits:

It allows the production of a wide variety of threads, from fine and delicate threads to thick and resistant threads.

It reduces the costs of the spinning process and can help reduce costs by automating the yarn manufacturing process.

It improves quality by removing impurities from fibers and giving them proper twist.


At Jeantex, we use advanced technology that allows us to manufacture threads for our denim, denim and towel manufacturing processes; and at the same time, successfully meet the demands of our clients.


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